the dopest thing happened to me last week! so remember Jeyy's post about the Cloud 9 slap watches? well the man behind the watch, Mr. Phil Keller came to my school to talk to my sculpture class about his story and things like that. he came with a couple of his watches and i fell in love from that point on. seeing it in person made me wanna run to the stop and cop one. so at the end of the class my teacher Ms. Thomas told me to stay after because Mr. Keller had to talk to me. he told me thatMs. Thomas said that i was a good student and that she appreciates my effort and things. because of that he offered me a watch! i was in shock, and still am! so please go out and support this man. is you are in Saint Louis you can go to I Am in the Loop, or to Splash in the Galleria! i don't want any other watch from now on! i'm strictly on Cloud 9. shout out to Mr. Phil Keller aka the man behind the watch, and Ms. Thomas!

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