Me x Curtis in '09 at the State Game!

Curtis x Me back in '08 smh!
do you ever just sit back sometimes and think about life? the people in it? we i do. a lot actually. and this post is dedicated to one person in my life in particular. Curtis Taylor Jr. he is no stranger to this blog at all, and will continue making his way here the way things are going for him. he is now a freshman at Mizzou, and doing big things. it seems like just yesterday that we were in high school on the side of my house taking picture to put on facebook w/ my little Cannon. and now he's taking pictures that are on XXL Magazine's website! i'm just so proud of him. oh, and did i mention that he hasn't had just one post on there, but two! the first one being when B.O.B had a performance at the school, and the second is when J. Cole did the same. to keep this post short and sweet i'll wrap it up by saying this; keep your eye on this one, he's gonna be something, big.
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