Me and that bow went through a lot.. And those tights i got for the low from Express which was nice. The purse is still worn all the time!

An extra soft girly side of me! But the skirt, bow and gloves were christmas presents from each one of my lovely best friends.

A nice casual outfit! my Tweed Nikes from UO, which I rarely wear.

New Years 2010, me and me big silly bow! I did 3's with that bow.. I retired it when hoes picked up the trend smh.

Yes Vashtie I swagger jacked you but i love you.

Prom 2010.. Melissa's dress was the bomb so cute. Im just the cute friend with the $3o forever21 dress lol! But nobody knew that

Tokyo Nights for my Senior Dance Jan. 2010.. I like themed dances/party it brings out the creative side in everybody! Well most... that was a fun dance

I miss me lego heart.. went to a basement party.. havent seen it since smh.

Me and Clint around Fall 2010.. I was killing the game w/ those combat boots and that leather jacket lol.

me today looking cool! which inspired me to do a run back.
cool outfits, nice look!
i'm following you!
greetz from berlin!
cool! following back :)