so i've been hip to the fact that my wifey Teyana Taylor had been saying she was going to make a band. in the Drop It Low video they made a cameo. and on twitter she broke down what the acronym means; U)nderneath G)reatness L)ies Y)ou. well now they have snippet of their first single Wasted which will be released in the summer! i don't think it is possible for me to get tired of it. since it was posted on twitter i've had it on repeat ever since! the band consists of Teyana, Chris Breezy, Mijo, Ethan, and Braxton. i honestly can't wait until they officially come out! to keep up with my love and everyone else in Ugly follow them on twitter!

-snippet of Wasted
-Teyana Taylor
-Chris Brown
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Hope you stop by my blog. With love and fierce fr: Lee.