okay the Jordan brand take me back to the 5th grade. note that at this time i was in a school that had to wear uniforms, and i didn't care about shoes. i remember going into Finish Line to get some shoes just to wear. went to the clearance rack and seen some red and white Jordan's. i'm not sure what kind they were but i liked them and got them. i go to school and i get all kinds of compliments on a pair of shoes that i wanted because they looked nice and were cheap. from there on i've always liked Jordan's but it just was too many different pairs, colorways, and numbers to stay up on. now that i'm older i think that i want to start getting Jordan's all over again. seeing the new pair of Fusion 8's reminded me how dope they were. so i just decided to list all of the Jordan's, excluding the fusions. in the coming months i hope to get a couple of pairs here and there, so hopefully soon you'll see me with some!
- '92 TILL INFINITY • (Behr)

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