so i got music in my library ranging from Japanese hip hop to Orchestra -- I pretty much listen to it all. Well recently, I was introduced to The Wombats from reading my guy Dairon's Blog, seasonxone. I really like their music.! Like the song he had on there was called Little Miss Pipedream, which I love. I went on to find a song of theirs called School Uniforms & I love that too. & apparently the genre is Brit Pop, so I feel even cooler because I never listened to brit pop before.! (lol)
& Dairon is cool beyond his music taste. Like, he's going to school for Photojournalism, I always liked the aspect of being a photojournalist, just gettin paid for your great photography & telling the story behind the images, like thats a dope career. lol. & he's tryna go to Columbia too, which is like my dream school, we should so colab wen we get there.!
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