Sunday, November 29, 2009
Pushing Perfection
i haven't been able to get tired of watching this. this particular routine was made by former So You Think You Can Dance contestant Travis Wall. to me it doesn't look like a dance, it looks like a movie. i loved the story behind the movement and everything. it was set up as if you were to run into someone you used to love and fighting those feelings, and ultimately being able to walk away. and the song is really nice too by Stars- Your Ex Lover's Dead.
- '92 TILL INFINITY • (Behr)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Celebrity Crush. . Cassie
okay, lets take it back to the year 2006 for a while. this song was released the day after my birthday on May 16th. the video comes on while i was watching MTV Jams, and i started to wonder who is Cassie because i've never heard of her until then. so as the video went on i see a slim built girl stretching and dancing around, but to top it off she is REALLY cute. as the video ended and i wanted nothing more but for it to come on again so i could see her. and it's basically been that way since then, lol. she has just gotten more and more attractive. even with a shaved head she makes it work for her and started a trend out of it. let me run down all the things that i like about this young lady.

So maybe this guy has about 14-15 years on me, but i love him!♥. His style is amazing, his voice is amazing, & he's the perfect size for me, we would compliment eachother .! loll. my favorite song is of course Addiction. Its just a really good song. A nice beat, i can fall asleep to it on repeat, or just vibe to it in the day time. Ive been sleepin on him. & not in the good way. (LOL) I dont listen to his music & its a shame. So his last two albums are more than likely going to be my xmas gift to myself
the self tittled Ryan Leslie & the latest Transition
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
These just might be my new favorite things to wear. I have these in forest green, and i have them in a deep fuchsia.They look really cool, and stop the need for pants, thats always a plus.! lol.
I never was a fan of tights.. maybe because i always wore tennis shoes up until recently. I could wear these so many ways, w/ skirts, dresses, my boots. I also want to start buying some with cool patterns. Specifically FLORAL. Like Vashtie has on below;

To see more of Vashtie at this photo shoot CLICK HERE!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Glow in the Dark Tour Book
KANYE WEST "Glow in the Dark" book promo by: NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
So, i didnt go to this concert :(( He only came to Chicago, I only know a couple people who actually got to go. THIS IS AN AMAZING VIDEO.
anybody who did is luckyy, and should thank God everyday! I so want Santa to make his way around to my roof & leave this waitin for me xmas morning. Or heck, he can give it to me NOW. Nabil is a really cool photographer I think he captured the true essence of the tour, which was the amazing colors.! The pictures Ive seen look amazing, & hopefully i'll have this to myself one day.
I was gonna post about some new stuff i got over the weekend, but blogger isnt uploading pics @ the time. Its cool though because i found this video.!
Anyone but him is a great song, im still anticipating Straight No Chaser. Anyway, I wish I could've been at this concert. I love Big Sean, I relate to that kid, you gotta follow your dreams. Dude was like.. 17 when he met Kanye, now he's signed to GOOD music & hes barely 20. Thats where dreaming big gets you.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
REVISITED: Bad Romance
im MORE than positive im addicted to this song. Not ten minutes have gone by in the last 72 hours that i havent been humming this song to myself.
I have the video & song on my berry, and also on my comp.! I can honestly say I've never been more addicted to a song.!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bad Romance
this video shows and proves that once again Gaga is the coolest artist out there. the best thing about her to me is the fact that you will NEVER be able to say that she is like anyone else. she honestly is in her own category and i loved every part of this video. from the wardrobe to the choreography to the song itself. Gaga is at the TOP of her game for sure!
- '92 TILL INFINITY • (Behr)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
So today in my psychology class, this girl started talking about Kanye West, and my teacher decided to comment and say 'I don't like him, he's a jackass.' Ok, thats fine he don't like you either. Leave yeezy alone.! Anyway, i will always love this song. It's a classic. It's always been a good song to listen to no matter how I'm feeling! It's so much emotion behind this, just like any song on The College Dropout.When my blackberry, --aka Halle, gets back on I already got it set up for this to be my ringtone. I love this song, it's so inspirational. & look at Kanye, he's changed so much., like appearance wise.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
so i got music in my library ranging from Japanese hip hop to Orchestra -- I pretty much listen to it all. Well recently, I was introduced to The Wombats from reading my guy Dairon's Blog, seasonxone. I really like their music.! Like the song he had on there was called Little Miss Pipedream, which I love. I went on to find a song of theirs called School Uniforms & I love that too. & apparently the genre is Brit Pop, so I feel even cooler because I never listened to brit pop before.! (lol)
& Dairon is cool beyond his music taste. Like, he's going to school for Photojournalism, I always liked the aspect of being a photojournalist, just gettin paid for your great photography & telling the story behind the images, like thats a dope career. lol. & he's tryna go to Columbia too, which is like my dream school, we should so colab wen we get there.!
Sunday, November 1, 2009

I fell in love with Mike Posner today.! More specifically, the One Foot In The Door Mixtape I was just chillin, started listening to it, and i got inspired to just start designing.! So i opened up Adobe Illustrator, and starting playing around. This music is chill, and his voice is sweet, and soft. I was just vibin.So Mr.Posner is pretty cool. I actually got my Columbia essay done today (finally.!) So I'm ready to apply once I get my letter of rec., then its just fingers crossed & head up.Anyway, downlaod the One Foot In The Door Mixtape , & vibe.
(♥) JEY. '92 till.
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