Omahyra Mota is a by far the most edgy/ bold model I've ever came across. & of course she's dope! It musta been somethin in the water in '84 cause her & cudi were both born tht year. Her look is so femme/boyish.To me she has that natural beauty, that most models lack and she could rip a runway with no make-up. Haven't seen anything from her in a long while.. kinda feining for more Omahyra!

I first saw her as the tough girl showin the other models how it's done, in Jay-Z's '
Change Clothes' video.Kinda makes me wonder if he recycled her look for
Rihanna? I'm seeing a tad resemblance w/ the short cut, and edgy look rihanna randmly adopted. 'Good Girl Gone Omahyra' is wat her album should've been called. lol. Anyway, look at her throughout the entire video or around 3:30 :
lol good girl gone omahyra haha lmao soo true
ReplyDeletelol i honestly think that!